chaffey regional adult education consortium

Goals & Plans

Three-Year Plan Goals, 2019-2022

Address Educational Needs

Explore community locations where HSD/HSE, ESL, and CTE classes could be held, in addition to what is already offered by WECC members

Intensify recruitment efforts region-wide

Expand and implement conversational English, VESL/Integrated ESL, and literacy-building skills across programs

Provide embedded or stand-alone training in digital literacy, particularly among ESL populations

Continue to expand co-located Chaffey College classes on adult school campuses

Improve Integration of Services & Transitions

Increased presence of AJCC resources and referral processes to local and regional support services

Improve communication and knowledge-sharing consortium-wide regarding programs and resources at each agency

Support career and transition planning for all students, including process for developing individualized career/education plans; collect student goals and incorporate goal-setting into the curriculum

Improve Effectiveness of Services

Continue to support and expand consortium-related professional development activities, including by program area

Engagement and outreach designed to ensure students feel welcome and can succeed, including strategies to increase access and equity; efforts to streamline registration, application and onboarding processes

Continue to maintain and grow transitions to post-secondary by leveraging SB 554 AE dual enrollment; hold regular meetings of the “Student Transition and Acceleration” group composed of counselors and other staff who work directly with students in this area

If you want to learn more, contact us.